Introducing the 2018 AuSAE LINC & NZICC Emerging Leadership Programme Scholarship recipients
The New Zealand International Convention Centre (NZICC) is proud to partner with The Australasian Society of Association Executives (AuSAE) to offer 11 scholarships to New Zealand's emerging business events leaders in the association industry.
The NZICC is passionate about the development of New Zealand's emerging business events leaders and are committed to the scholarship programme which promotes the professional development of association executives in New Zealand. This scholarship programme represents the opportunity to provide the successful recipients with the tools, the network and likeminded community needed to be able to enhance learning and progression of the individual's career within the association industry.
The NZICC is excited to be on this journey with each of the scholarship recipients and over the next few weeks will be introducing each of the recipients. Congratulations to all of the successful recipients!
Natasha Pitfield, Marketing Executive at Infrastructure New Zealand
Why did you enter the not for profit sector?
I entered the ‘not for profit’ sector because I love to do good. With Infrastructure New Zealand, it came down to the fact that I was living in South Auckland and driving into the city and back every day. When an opening came up with Infrastructure New Zealand I saw it as a chance to try and induce positive change to something that was negatively affecting me in a massive way - like it was also doing to a very large group of people! To work for a company that means we have the ability to affect nationwide change is pretty amazing and fulfilling.
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
I am still quite new to the ‘not for profit’ sector and what I’m looking to get out of this is techniques to improve member communication/not for profit social media. I would also love to improve on networking skills and leadership as this is very important for my role with Infrastructure New Zealand. Another part of my role is leading our ‘Emerging Talent’ Network and I would also love to better my knowledge about best practice to promote its growth and retention.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
I love food! So it would be to eat as much food as I want and not put on weight! Especially cheesecake 😉
What is your favourite part of your work day?
My favourite part of my work day is the people. I love all of my workmates, but I also get the chance on a regular basis to meet and network with people from all different industries as Infrastructure New Zealand’s membership is so broad. This is an opportunity not many people get and I am so grateful for it.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn't have to relate to your job!
I am a really empathetic person. I love helping and supporting people any way I can, and I feel that I do a pretty great job at it!
Stephanie Capp, Association Executive at Butler Pelvin & Associates
Why did you enter the not for profit sector?

I have always wanted to pursue a career which allows me to give back to New Zealanders and develop strong ties to communities. Working in the not-for-profit sector has allowed me to achieve both and be at the forefront of advocating for change in New Zealand.
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
The scholarship is a fantastic opportunity to meet, connect and build strong relationships with like-minded people. I am hoping to cultivate new skills that I can take with me back to the workplace.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
To control time.
What is your favourite part of your work day?
Working with the team to achieve goals for our membership.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn't have to relate to your job!
Planning for any situation.
Emma Earl, Senior Events Coordinator at CORE Education.
Why did you enter the not for profit sector?

The not for profit sector was not only a career move for me, there has been a lifelong connection. Growing up with two disabled brothers my family has always been involved in charities, associations and not for profits, so CORE just happened to be the perfect fit! Not only do I get to do a job that I love every day, but I get to make a difference and it is a true reflection of who I am.
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
One of the most important areas we can develop as professionals is the competency to access and share knowledge. My aim through this scholarship is not just focused around my personal growth, it is how to pass this learning onto colleagues, how to apply this knowledge to our events and how it all filters through to the delegate experience.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
Power Mimicry - which allows you to absorb other people's skills or knowledge! I would be as smart as Albert Einstein, as fast as Usain Bolt and would score incredibly well at the local quiz night!
What is your favourite part of your work day?
There is no better feeling than seeing a long term project finally come together. When you are at an event going one hundred miles an hour, with a million things running through your mind and you stop for just a second to take a deep breath. Within that deep breath you are suddenly grounded, humbled and you are filled with an overwhelming sense of pride and achievement.
"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work, and the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking." - Steve Jobs.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn't have to relate to your job!
I definitely wouldn't jump straight to specialist... but I love to bake. Cooking and baking helps me to relax and I love the challenge of trying to create something new.
Elise Adams, Head of Business and Support Services at the New Zealand Veterinary Association (NZVA).

Why did you enter the not for profit sector?
I entered the not-for-profit sector to better address a personal vision around service to others. Having worked for 10 years in private and 19 years in public sector, it seemed only fitting that my next role was to be in this sector – maybe it comes with age!
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
I’m absolutely delighted to be a recipient of the this year’s scholarship. The key opportunity is to further my perspective in association management and leadership, test the waters with some of the work I’m involved with at the NZVA and ultimately to leverage both mine and others strengths and experiences – I’m very much the collectivist.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
Super power? I quite like Dash from the Incredibles. Yes, I think speed would be a great power in order to do the mundane things like grocery shopping and dropping off dry cleaning.
What is your favourite part of your work day?
The favourite part of my work day is when I get to listen. Listening to both the formal and informal messages around the office, in a meeting, at the lunch table. Very much a believer of two ears and one mouth, listening has got me through the challenging times and the times of opportunity. However, right up there with listening is recognising potential in others and seeing what they do when given the opportunity.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn't have to relate to your job!
I went to my colleagues on this one – and the consensus was strategy, leadership and not getting distracted by ‘noise’. I agree with this, I’m often the one who is asked for wise counsel or what if scenarios and then once decision is made I stay true to the decision and remain on course. Maybe that has something to do with having five children within 7 years! I survived that journey as they’re all adults now and I’m pretty unscathed.
Nikki Wright, Events Manager at the Federated Farmers of New Zealand.

Why did you enter the not for profit sector?
I wanted to be part of Federated Farmers because they do work that matters. Feds provides a voice for Farmers across New Zealand in boardrooms and every level of Governance. We have the largest policy team outside of government, so that’s pretty impressive. Our Communications team is small but cranks out a lot of good content and good work which aims to tell Farmers stories and bridges the gap between the rural and urban divide.
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
I want to learn information and techniques that can help me engage with our members. I’d also like to learn new methods to improve my leadership skills.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
The ability to make people honest and respectful of others. No but seriously, to always have the pizza delivered hot. It’s cold way too often…
What is your favourite part of your work day?
It’s more a case of enjoying the process of creating events overall, rather than a work day as such. I love theming (much to my Boss’ dismay) and I love branding, given my background in promotional goods, so I enjoy creating Fed's branded items. The best part though, is coming to the end of an event and getting feedback from delegates; to me, that’s a good return on investment.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn’t have to relate to your job!
Personally, I’m a pretty good cook, I make a mean goulash. I’m keen on photography and have a thing for landscapes and travel.
Matthew Buck, Manager Membership Services at The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.

Why did you enter the not for profit sector?
I love working for an organisation that has a goal to achieve something that will benefit all of New Zealand, and the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners not only supports the GP's in New Zealand by delivering invaluable training, assessment and ongoing professional development but by also raising the bar of scientific knowledge through research and communication that sets the standard for general practice.
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
To listen, learn and then grow as a leader.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
I always saw Batman as a superhero who didn't enjoy the limelight or praise, he just got the job done. I strive to be like Bruce Wayne where no job is too big or too small and to do it with little fuss. He also likes the nice things in life and I suppose who doesn't…
What is your favourite part of your work day?
My favourite part of my work day is dealing with the good and bad of our members and building relationships with them.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn't have to relate to your job!
I am a Sports Broadcaster on the side. I host shows on Radio Sport New Zealand and I am part of the commentary team at Westpac Stadium for Rugby Union, Rugby League and Football games.
Charlotte Butler, Commercial Manager at Irrigation New Zealand.

Why did you enter the not for profit sector?
I love my job as every day is filled with purpose, passion and determination. I get to be creative and think outside the square. I then think critically and look at it from every angle to make sure all the different approaches to a challenge have been considered before putting it out for wider consultation. I feel my work really matters as it involves bringing people on a journey of discovery. We get to work out what they need and how we best meet this need.
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
I am very excited about this opportunity and see it as an chance to continue to learn. To make some great connections so I can keep discovering. Widening your horizons can only lead to new and exciting things and I’m always up for a new challenge.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
Mind reading. It would save so much time if I could just see what people are really thinking and address those things directly. Instead of having to work round and round the issue till it finally becomes apparent what they are really on about!
What is your favourite part of your work day?
That’s a tricky one as no two days are the same. What I love most about my job is there is never a dull moment (well some paperwork can be a bit dull but is necessary!) There is always a new challenge on the horizon, which will require a new way of thinking, to come up with a solution or approach that delivers the best possible outcome.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn't have to relate to your job!
Seeing the big picture and how all the parts that make up the picture are interrelated. I sometimes think I should have been a detective, but that’s too gruesome and tragic to deal with every day.
What I really love is investigating the “what, how and who”. What are we trying to achieve, how do we get there and who has the skill set we need to enable this? The process of piecing together all the information to design a strategy, develop an implementation plan, then giving it to the right person to deliver it. Solving the case basically.
Hannah McKee, Marketing and Communications Manager at Financial Services Federation.

Why did you enter the not for profit sector?
About 18 months ago a fantastic opportunity came my way to jump ship from a big news media corporate to a small team on a not for profit. I was interested in the challenge to implement my journalism skills into an entirely different environment, and go from knowing a little bit about a lot of different things, to really focussing on one sector and a fabulous group of people which are our members.
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
I’m looking forward to meeting the other emerging leaders, sharing ideas, and soaking up tips from the experts.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
To fly – I got bitten by the travel bug when I was 16 and have never quite recovered so this would make things much easier/cheaper. It would also make the morning commute more interesting.
What is your favourite part of your work day?
Game Day – whether it’s our conference, a big meeting, a launch, or any other event, I love the adrenaline and seeing hard work and organising by our team pay off with a successful experience for our members.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn't have to relate to your job!
I’m told I throw a good dinner party – which is probably because I get to mash together my love for food and wine with my love for people, hosting, and organising. The fine touches make all the difference.
Catherine Stabb, Marketing, Communications and Events Assistant at Rural Women New Zealand.

Why did you enter the not for profit sector?
Following University, I was passionate about pursuing a career where I was able to contribute to the wellbeing of New Zealanders. The not for profit sector is a space where there is immense opportunity to build strong communities and benefit all areas of our country.
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
The scholarship offers an amazing opportunity to connect and build relationships with like-minded people, develop new skills and confidence within and outside of the work place.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
To morph into any type of animal.
What is your favourite part of your work day?
Collaborating with stakeholders to strengthen our rural communities.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn't have to relate to your job!
Keeping positive in any situation.
Ellen Clark, Board Representative at New Zealand Dental Association.

Why did you enter the not for profit sector?
The New Zealand Dental Association gives back to the dental profession and supports dentists in many aspects of clinical dentistry, research, support and wellbeing. I like to volunteer and enjoy being a part of this strong association.
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
Networking with other like minded individuals, learning new skills in leadership and management.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
The ability to fly.
What is your favourite part of your work day?
Relieving patients who are in pain with severe toothache who cannot afford to go to a private dentist.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn't have to relate to your job!
Feeding, bathing and getting 3 children ready for bed!
Katie Bartlett, Events and Memberships Manager at ACENZ.

Why did you enter the not for profit sector?
It is hugely rewarding working for an organisation that really matters and contributes not just to the business of consulting in the built and natural environment but also to the national good.
What are you hoping to get from the scholarship?
I am hoping that I will learn new skills that will help me in the workplace. I am also looking forward to meeting and connecting with other individuals who work within the not for profit sector.
If you could have a super power what would it be?
I don’t know if this really counts but I would love to be a genie. That way I could wish for whatever I want with my first wish being a house 😉
What is your favourite part of your work day?
Wine time. It is a great opportunity to get together as a team and find out how everyone is doing. It is also a great time to find out what everyone is working on and if there are any issues that we need to be aware of.
What is your specialist skill or something you are really good at? This doesn't have to relate to your job!
I’m not really a specialist but I do enjoy working out. It always helps me unwind after a long day of sitting in front of the computer. It is also a very helpful balance during Wellington On A Plate season.